Monday 17 November 2014


One is so little
Two is just one more
Three is more than two
Four is not enough
Five i can count my finger
Six is minimum
Seven my needs just met
Eight i want more than that
Nine one more to meet ten
Ten i need more of this
So when will it stop?
A hundred? Thousands or millions?

Thursday 13 November 2014

Idiom : Descriptive essay: A blessing in disguise

   I hated everything about myself. I wasn't happy about what i have and my life. I even blame god because i think it isn't fair. Every time problem hit me i will breakdown and start to cry and then the blaming will follow up. At last, it will only make me hate this life more. Again and again the disappointment i went through replay in my head, making me feel miserable. This continue until something astound happened in my life.

  One rainy morning, as usual i went out for work. On the way there, my car broke down all of a sudden. I was shocked but fortunately no accident happened. After returning to my senses, i hop off the car and gave a called to the mechanic. Since it was raining they will arrived later than usual, so i decided to take a stroll at the side passage way. While leisurely walking down the passage i suddenly trip and fall to the ground because it was slippery. I briskly pull myself up before more embarrassment happen to me. I continued to walk until i felt my stomach rumble so i went to the nearby coffee shop for some snack. After 15 minutes of waiting my snack arrived, then i reached out for my purse and found no cash in it. So i told the shop keeper to wait and ran swiftly to the nearby bank to withdraw. Then again i went back to the coffee shop and found out that my snack was gone because the owner thought i'm not gonna come back. Feeling frustrated i left the shop hungry and angrily.

  I was so disappointed and frustrated that i shouted : " why me? why must i be made fun of? what's wrong with all of you!" and cried. Then the thunder roar louder as if God was angry of me. The rain pour down heavier leaving me no choice but to find a place to wait. As i was waiting, my mind slowly stroll down the memory lane to when my grandmother was still here with me. She used to say:" life is not all sunshine and rainbow there are gloomy days too but if you look at it in a positive light, you will find that you are lucky because you are still breathing." After saying this she will smile warmly and i will stop complaining. My senses came back when a lightning flash pass through. The rain had slowed down and my car was fixed so i went back home.

  I turned on the television and the news reported there was a building that had been strike by the lightning causing a few injured. I listened closely to the name of that building only to find out that it is my company's building. That moment, i knew that this whole experience is a blessing in disguise. If my car did not breakdown i would probably be the victim of this tragedy. After these experienced, i learned to love my life again and felt happy that i'm still alive.