Thursday 18 September 2014

Medicine historian

Sir William Osler
Original title:    Description Deutsch: William Osler im Alter von 32 Jahren English: Sir William Osler, aged 32 Date 29 October 1881(1881-10-29) Source Notman photographic archives Author Unknown
Sir William Osler 
William Osler was born in the year 1849 on July 12th. He was born in a remote part of Ontario known as Bond Head. Osler was a Canadian physician, educator, pathologist, bibliophile, historian, author, and
renowned practical joker. he was called " father of modern
medicine" and was one of the "big four" founding professors of John 
Hopkins Hospital as the first Professor of Medicine and founder of the 
medical service there. Osler created the first  residency program for 
training physician and he was the first to bring medical student lecture 
out for bedside clinical training. 

Osler spent a years in Trinity college in Ontario before deciding on a 
career in medicine. He then enrolled at the Toronto Medical College for 
two years. He received his M.D. degree from McGill University in Montreal in the year 1872. Osler went aboard to London, Berlin and Vienna for postgraduate study before he return to Canada in 1874 and joining the medical faculty at McGill. He created the first formalized journal club there. In 1884 he was appointed Chair of Clinical Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. In 1889 he accepted the position as the first physician-in-chief for the new John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland USA and, he was one of the first professors of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine during 1893.  His reputation increased rapidly as clinician, humanitarian and teacher. He presided over a rapidly expanding domain. Sixteen years later, Osler left for Oxford. In 1905 he was appointed to the Regius Chair of Medicine at Oxford, which he held until his death. He was also a Fellow of Christ Church, Oxford. Osler was created a baronet in the Coronation Honours List of 1911 for his many contributions to the field of medicine. 

One of his greatest contribution in medicine field was insisting that student learned from observing and talking to patient and the establishment of medical residency. Osler's favourite saying was : "He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all." His best-known saying was "Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis," which emphasizes on the importance of taking a good history. At the age of 70 in the year 1919, Sir William Osler died during the Spanish influenza epidemic, while his wife Grace lived on for another 9 years but she failed to resist a series of stroke. They had two sons, one which died shortly after birth, the other named Edward Revere Osler was mortally wounded in combat in world wall I at the age of 21 and this caused Dr. Osler to be crushed emotionally by the loss. The moral value that i had learned for Sir William Osler is learning is a life long process.. 

Henry E. Sigerist 

Henry E. Sigerist 
Henry E. Sigerist was born in Paris of Swiss parents and he grew up in Paris in Zurich. He studied philology at the University of Zurich and oriental languages at University College and Kings College, London. He returned to Zurich to complete a medical degree and served as a medical officer in the Swiss army. He then devoted himself to study the history of medicine and he had the financial means to live as an independent scholar. Sigerist then went to Leipzig to study under Karl Sudoff the director of the Univerisity of Leipzig's pioneering Institute of the History of Medicine. Sigerist then taught the history of medicine at the University of Zurich until 1925, when, at the age of 34, he succeeded Sudhoff as director of the Leipzig Institute. In 1932, Sigerist moved to the United States to succeed William Henry Welch as director of the Johns Hopkins University Institute of the History of Medicine. 

 Sigerist published a journal, the Bulletin of the History of Medicine. He made contributions to health service organization. He expand greatly on our concepts of the functions of medicine, and redefined health in a manner which was later express by the World Health Organization. Sigerist's account of the evolution of the physician and his discussion of the role of the people in the fight for health provide important new insights into current realities, while his remarkable analysis of the genesis of national health insurance makes it possible to understand its continued absence in the United States. His thorough studies of the Soviet national health service opened new vistas in the promotion of health and prevention of disease and the development of team practice in health centers. During 1947 Sigerist resigned from his position and devote himself to write an eight-volume history of medicine but only one was published before his death in 1957. The moral value i had learned for Henry E. Sigerist is face difficulties with optimistic view. 

Sir John Freind 

Sir John Freind was born in 1675 and had gone through several walk of life as a scholar, physician and a chemist who advocated newtonian philosophy. He was conservative and act against the newly introduced practice of inoculating the small pox.

Traditional poetry VS Modern poetry

traditional poetry  
Traditional poem is more strict in its form and there are formal elements the poet follow. Sonnet is one of the example of traditional poem use since the 13th century, it is a poem of 14 lines with a set of rhyme scheme.
example of traditional poetry:

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Ye ladies, walking past me piteous-eyed,
Who is the lady that lies prostrate here?
Can this be even she my heart holds dear?
Nay, if it be so, speak, and nothing hide.
Her very aspect seems itself beside,
And all her features of such altered cheer
That to my thinking they do not appear
Hers who makes others seem beatified.
‘If thou forget to know our lady thus,
Whom grief o'ercomes, we wonder in no wise,
For also the same thing befalleth us,
Yet if thou watch the movement of her eyes,
Of her thou shalt be straightaway conscious.
O weep no more; thou art all wan with sighs.

Modern poem is more free and a broader themes and subject matters. Feminism is another very important aspect of Modernism. For example:  

Advice to a Girl by Sara Teasdale

No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed;
Lay that on your heart,
My young angry dear;
This truth, this hard and precious stone,
Lay it on your hot cheek,
Let it hide your tear.
Hold it like a crystal
When you are alone
And gaze in the depths of the icy stone.
Long, look long and you will be blessed:
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed.

Wednesday 17 September 2014


you promise to give
but you fail to provide
you vow to do
but you did not achieve

you ask for trust
but you break it all
you ask for forgiveness
but replay the scenes

gossiping is your crown
deceiving is your clothes
betraying is your robe
wearing it all is what makes you king

don't blame others
If your luck walks away
because what you sow
Is what you reap

do not avenge on them
if they do you wrong
because what goes around
comes around